SALIKAPALIKAU – Non Finito Ensemble

Well, we have quite a… retrospective? A reminder for some, an introduction for others – ŠALIKAPALIKAU (as well as Ensemble SP, SaliKApalikau). This was a project which floated in the local scene like a constantly shifting thoughtform – to get its shapes meant to encounter dissociative experiences. Wandering through musique concrète, electroacoustic, ambient and avantgarde, ŠALIKAPALIKAU was a project of its own. So here it is – a SALIkaPALIKAU collage NON FINITO ENSEMBLE. Materials for this amalgam were taken from 1999-2004 rehearsals, sampling and improvised sessions, live performances – mostly unreleased material. Also, almost no computer was used. Of course, it is here.